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What is Florida Medicaid?

Florida Medicaid is the state and federal partnership that provides health coverage for selected

categories of people in Florida with low incomes. Its purpose is to improve the health of people who

might otherwise go without medical care for themselves and their children.

Medicaid Frequently Asked Questions?

To learn more about Florida Medicaid, please go to the Florida Medicaid website.

Medicaid Eligibility 

Medicaid is a wide-ranging, federal, health care program for low-income individuals of any age. However, this page is specifically focused on Medicaid eligibility for Florida residents who are 65 years of age and older. The focus will also be on long term care, whether that be at home, a nursing home, adult foster care, or assisted living.

Medicaid in Florida is sometimes referred to as the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) program. The Medicaid managed care program for long-term care services for the elderly and disabled is called the Long-term Care (LTC) program. All other health care services outside of long-term care are provided via the Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) program.

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